Sailing Adventure in the Casamance of Senegal

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Was ist das Besondere?
special Learn to sail
special Adventure travel + Luxury travel
special Wildlife and local culture
I will be sailing with a friend throughout the Casamance on my 10m Steel sailing vessel in August. The plan is to explore various islands and villages within the river region with a goal of experiencing "off-the-beaten- path" adventure travel. This includes visiting under-explored villages, amazing wildlife tours, drum circles, riverside lounging, and a few days of just anchoring in the wilds of the Casamance. I would like to make this trip a mix of exploration and pleasure. Everyone has the option to stay on board or stay in a local lodge every night. As far as the meals are concerned you will have the choice to eat on the boat or onshore for all meals. Except when we have already booked a special meal onshore. The trip can be vegetarian if you so choose. This is a sailing adventure; you can decide between just sailing for the time we move from place to place or you can use the time we have allotted for other guided experiences to do more sailing. Every time we will be sailing we can teach you as much as we know or you can just relax and enjoy the view.

I've been living aboard and sailing my boat (Pepita) for the past two years, I bought the boat in Guatemala because I wanted a home-base to explore the world in. I had gotten tired of 8 years of traveling out of a backpack and decided a sailboat was a great compromise as a home, and expedition vehicle. This trip I have an experience sailor and friend along to help with the sailing, and boat chores. We decided that we would like to open the boat to like-minded adventurers in hopes to make more friends, fund further adventures, and share the world of sailing with others.

The boat has two double beds and two single beds. For total transparency, it is a tiny space and the toilet on board is fairly public, it doesn’t have its own private cabin. You have the choice to stay onshore in local accommodation or on the boat every night. I find it more enjoyable to have the option for access to freshwater showers, and personal space at times. I find it is much more enjoyable to experience a bit of adventure, followed by a bit of luxury. The last night is a luxury night where we will wrap up the trip and get a great nights sleep before everyone parts ways the next day. As a disclaimer! As we are a sailing vessel we are somewhat subject to weather and tidal influences. We may have to move some of our stops and stays around throughout the trip to keep everyone safe and happy! Any questions about the trip? You can let me know in the Q&A section!

Was ist inbegriffen?
All food and drinks
Transportation to Hotels and Shore
Guided trips
Beginner to advanced sailing instruction
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22 Länder
3 Trips abgeschlossen

Hi, I’ve been a long-term solo-traveler for the past 9 years. 2 years ago I bought a sailboat and have been discovering from here.

Du kannst mit Timothy chatten, sobald du deinen Platz reserviert hast.

Cap Skirring

Tag 1
Arrival in Cap Skirring and transfer to Kachouane - Individual arrival in Cap Skirring - Meeting in the centre of the Town - Private taxi to Katakalousse - 1h long ride on a Pirogue (local boat) through the mangroves - Arrival in Kachouane, refreshing drink at the local restaurant of the village - Going over the trip and the boat's safety considerations - Welcome dinner on shore


Tag 1-3
Exploring Kachouane and sailing to Carabane - Breakfast - Exploring the mangroves and the wildlife with a pirogue - Refreshing drink and lunch in a hidden bar in the mangroves - Walk around Kachouane - Oyster's dinner with a drum session with the locals - Breakfast - Preparing the boat for sailing - Sailing to Carabane with the opportunity to learn how to sail and meet the local dolphins - Lunch on the boat


Tag 3-4
Exploring Carabane - Arrive at Carabane after lunch and anchor in front of the village - Walk around this nice old village with French architecture - Late afternoon fishing - Dinner on shore with the fish we caught - Breakfast - Preparing the boat to sail to Pointe Saint Georges - Sailing for about 3-5h


Tag 4-6
Pointe Saint Georges and its wildlife - Arrival in Pointe Saint Georges - Walk around the nice area - Dinner on shore - Breakfast - Exploration on a pirogue to see the manatees and the birds all around - Preparing the boat and sailing through the mangroves for about 3-5h

Campement de l'île d'Egueye

Tag 6-7
Sail from Pointe St George to Campement de lile d' Egueye - Luxury night to finish the trip - Sail for 4 hours to Campement - Anchor and dinghy to campement - Final meal and debrief of trip - Wake up in the morning to a nice breakfast - Arrange final transport to Elinkin or Cap Skirring
Hotel & Hostel & Sonstiges & Bed & Breakfast
7 Tage Trip
Cap Skirring, Kachiouane & 3 weitere
Car, Boat
Was ist nicht inbegriffen?
Flights to region
Lodging before and after trip
Alcoholic beverages
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