Experience Van Life along the Southern West Coast of Portugal! ॐ

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I welcome you to come join me and my little dog - on a special little journey along one of Portugal’s most beautiful coastlines. On this little adventure we will aim to take all the treasure we can from this experience, which I sincerely hope will be enlightening and magical for you. In my camper that is built like a little cabin with a wood stove, we will head-out to the most beautiful and wild camping spots. In these special places that I have discovered, we will embrace the majestic and peaceful surroundings. We will enjoy beautiful beaches that are natural and unspoiled. We will take great hikes along the cliffs and dunes. Over the campfires we will share deep talks with snacks and tea whilst watching the stars. When it comes to sleeping, you’ll experience a nice cozy warm bed whilst drifting away with the sounds of the ocean. This trip will have a very natural flow. I want you to flow more intuitively, and not feel like there is a structure. I want you to feel a true sense of exploration and freedom, whereby we can decide what we do as we go. I don’t want you to feel like this is anything touristy or business-like. I’d like to meet you with all the respect and love as a good friend -keeping everything as natural as possible, so you can feel at home in yourself. If you are interested in spirituality or philosophy, or simply just love natural places, or need to rejuvenate or gain some perspective, this will be perfect for you. The Van: As this is quite a small space to share, I imagine that can be a little intimidating to share with someone you’ve never met, however know that you are in the best hands. I’m very good at making people feel relaxed and free within themself. I’m good at giving you your energetic space and helping you to be yourself, which is fundamentally what I aim for with this trip -that you come out of it feeling more YOU. That is very important to me, so you will get absolute respect. I too like to just be myself and be as natural as possible. This will lead us to being able to just really enjoy the trip and take the most out of it. In the van; you will of course be taking the full-sized bed. I will be in a tent or on the sofa, which ever we feel is more comfortable. Maybe the first nights you feel more comfortable alone in the van, and that is totally fine. Your bed will have a dividing curtain for privacy. There is space for a big backpack or suitcase. The van has a music system, gas cooker, all the electricity you may need. There isn’t a toilet! So be comfortable finding a sweet spot in nature where you have a great view ;) I also have a lot of camping gear, headlights, etc, so no need to bring anything like that. Collection: This will depend where you fly in or just where you are. This will be discussed prior. Travelling with a friend: There is an option to bring a friend, there is space in the bed to fit 2 adults. It’s also possible you can use my tent. If your friend is a dog, then that’s fine too! However there could be a little chaos in the beginning. What’s included: Everything of the trip from collection to drop off. The only additional cost is that we split the food costs for simplicity. Please note that I am pretty much vegan, so I would prefer no meat in the van 🙏 *Please note that if it makes you feel more comfortable, it is possible that my friend (female) can also join us on the trip. In that case we will both sleep in a tent. If you bring a friend you can both share the main bed, or one takes the bed and one takes a sofa, however the sofa is a little short, so not for tall people. I would advise they share the main bed with you). If there anymore questions or things you’d like to discuss then we can do that with a video-call, which would be a good way to start. Hope to hear from you!

Hello, So my name is Michael, I am 38! However age is truly just a number for me. Young at heart and high in spirits, I certainly do not feel old or incapable! Still feel I can connect to all walks of life, young or older! Originally from England, but have been travelling and living in different countries for the last 16 years. Have done plenty of backpacking and hitching and all kinds of crazy adventures, so a good experienced guided here, especially when it comes to vanlife, which I have been living fulltime for the last 7 years! As well as my passion for travel I am also focused on change. Inner development as been my lifelong path of which I am focused on the most. I am a very light-hearted person, very playful and unserious, whilst at the sametime I have a very deep side that takes the heart very seriously. Fundamentally I am in pursuit of a fearless heart, because it is only fear that limits our capacity to simply be, therefore I have lived a life of walking in truth and taking a lot of risks in order to gain the inner freedom that I have today. I am very keen on sharing the wisdom I have learned, and supporting those around me in liberating their spirit.

In the camper or in a tent which I can provide along with sleeping equipment. The camper has a full sized bed that can sleep 2 full sized adults. Also a dividing curtain for privacy. Bedding will be fully cleaned and comfortable. I have a winter blanket and summer blanket. ======================= Any questions about the trip? You can let me know in the Q&A section!

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Wild traveller with nature in heart, seeking harmony, depth and meaning.

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Tag 1-8
Depending on which side of the west coast you arrive, which could be Faro airport or Lisbon as an example; we will begin our trip there and cover the southern west coast, from top down or bottom upwards. Depending on where we meet it may require you to catch a short bus ride, however it is possible that I can collect you, but it really depends where you are at, as I am aware that some of you may already be in Portugal. (Ignore the number of nights stated for Sagres. The nights we spend will be spread across the coastline)

Santo André

Tag 8
Between these 2 locations we will travel down or up the coast. I have already explored much of this coastline and have saved the best locations that we can travel to and camp. If you are arriving in Lisbon, it will be easy to catch a bus to Vila Nova de Santo Andre. This is something you will have to arrange, however I will help you arrange that. If you arrive in Faro then we can meet in Sagres. If you would like to return to the same location we meet, then we will make a round trip of the coastline. If you have any suggests I am open to making your trip more easier!


Tag 8
Aljezur is an example of a really nice little town we can visit. There are amazing beaches nearby, and if you are feeling like making a social stop, there is a ‘pizza party’ in the hills nearby, which brings together a lot of open minded people that come together to eat pizza and enjoy some music.
8 Tage Trip
Sagres, Santo André & 1 weitere
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