Experience The Best Of Colombia

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Was ist das Besondere?
special Whale watching on the Pacific coast
special See the highest palm trees in the world
special Get to see sloths in the Amazon
On this trip you are going to experience the best Colombia has to offer. You are going to see whales on the Pacific coast, you are going to see the world’s tallest palm trees in Salento and even get to the Amazon! Colombia is such a versatile country that offers something for everyone. Most activities can be customized to your wants and needs.

I’m Max, an avid backpacker who wants to share his experiences with others and show them the beauty of our vast world. I’m going to take care of you and you won’t have to bring any experience, just bring a smile and good energy :)

Accomodation will mostly consist of hostels, but there are some other hotels as well. Dorms as well as private rooms are possible in the hostels, this is fully customizable and you can choose your preferred option! I put an emphasis on staying in sociable hostels with good energy, as this makes the trip much more enjoyable in my opinion. Any questions about the trip? You can let me know in the Q&A section!

Was ist inbegriffen?
Food (Breakfast, Dinner)
Lunch on around half of the days
Tour fees
In-country flights
Transportation within the country
Entry fees (museums, national parks)
Deine Buchung beinhaltet kostenlosen Schutz vor Trip-Stornierung.
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I’m Max, an avid backpacker looking to share his experiences with others!

Du kannst mit Max chatten, sobald du deinen Platz reserviert hast.


Tag 1-3
We are going to stop in Bogota for just a few nights to get to know the country a bit. We’ll climb Monserate and visit the Gold Museum, among other things. Bogota is going to be our base from which we will fly into the Amazon

Puerto Nariño

Tag 3-7
We fly into Leticia and take a boat to Puerto Nariño, a small village on the Colombian Amazon. Here, you can take a bath in the Amazon River, see snakes and spiders on a nightwalk, fish for Piranhas, visit an indigenous community and see sloths.


Tag 7-11
After the Amazon, we fly to Armenia and take a short bus to the small town of Salento. From here, we take a trip to the Cocorra Valley, where the highest palm trees in the world are located. Apart from that, we will visit several coffee farms and get to know the Colombian coffee culture better.


Tag 11-14
Next, we are going to visit Medellin. It is the second largest city in Colombia and has won several prizes regarding modern development, despite of its history. Here, we are going to take a day trip to Guatape, visit Comuna 13 and chill in the evenings.

Bahía Solano

Tag 14-19
From Medellin, we are going to fly to the Pacific coast. During our stay here, you are going to see several humpback whales and if you are lucky you will even see them jumping out of the water. Other activities include surfing, the liberation of baby turtles into the sea, fishing for tuna and so much more. The activities can be fully tailored to your needs and wants.


Tag 19-23
We are briefly going to the beautiful city of Cartagena, with its white buildings standing along the Colombian Caribbean coast. Here we can taste delicious food, hear about the country’s past and enjoy the flair of the city.

Rosario Islands

Tag 23-28
To end the trip, we take a boat to one of Colombia’s islands. Here you can enjoy the beautiful beach, go snorkeling or diving and just enjoy the vibe of the Caribbean sea. There are tours to see bioluminescent plancton and take a boat through a mangrove forest.
Hostel & Bed & Breakfast
28 Tage Trip
Bogotá, Puerto Nariño & 5 weitere
Plane, Car, Boat
Was ist nicht inbegriffen?
Flights into and out of the country
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