8-Day Trip to Lofoten: Hiking, Beach & Northern lights Adventure

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Was ist das Besondere?
special Secret Hiking Views
Lofoten is known for its northern lights, midnight sun, and charming villages. On this trip, we'll explore some of the most spectacular natural scenery in the world. As your trip leader, I will guide you through the stunning landscapes of the Lofoten Islands, offering a mix of hiking, beach visits, and cultural experiences for a comprehensive and memorable adventure. Given the time of year, we have an excellent chance of witnessing the northern lights.

Hi! My name is Aljaz. I grew up in Slovenia and have a great passion for travel. Over the years, I’ve done practically everything around it— from backpacking and living abroad to taking on various summer jobs, being a camp counselor and volunteering in various countries. Whenever it comes to organizing trips, I’m always the one who ends up planning, and I genuinely enjoy it. I’m also very active, so my adventures usually include a lot of hiking, swimming, and cycling.

We will be staying in apartments or cottages. Usually 2 persons per rooms. It is possible to have a private room for an additional fee, but please request it at the time of booking so I can plan ahead. When staying in apartments, we will cook our own meals and pack our lunches when hiking or discovering beaches. Depending on the plan we can opt for a lunch/dinner out or go for drinks/coffees when in town. Any questions about the trip? You can let me know in the Q&A section!

Was ist inbegriffen?
Transportation (Car rental/gas/parking)
Accomodation (Apartments)
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Always up for an adventure.

Du kannst mit Aljaž chatten, sobald du deinen Platz reserviert hast.


Tag 1-3
Day 1: Arrival in Svolvær Arrive in Svolvær, the gateway to the Lofoten Islands, where we will spend the first 2 nights settling in and exploring the surrounding areas. Upon arrival at the airport, I will meet the group pick up the rental car and do transfer to our accommodation. I will introduce the trip and all participants and If time allows, we'll explore Svolvær, taking a leisurely stroll around the charming harbor. In the evening, we'll enjoy a group welcome dinner at our accommodation, creating a relaxed and welcoming start to our Lofoten adventure.


Tag 3
Day 2: Svolvær to Henningsvær Morning: Begin with a hike to Tjeldbergtind/Svolvaergeita for panoramic views of Svolvær and the surrounding area. Afternoon: Drive to Henningsvær to explore the village, visit the KaviarFactory Art Gallery, and see the famous Henningsvær Football Field. Evening: Return to Svolvær for dinner and relaxation.


Tag 3-5
On the third day, we will proceed to Leknes, where we will check in to our next accommodation. After settling in, we'll drive to Haukland Beach to embark on a morning hike along the Haukland to Uttakleiv trail, reveling in the stunning coastal vistas. We'll then unwind with some relaxation time on Haukland Beach before continuing to Uttakleiv Beach in the afternoon. Here, we'll explore the unique rock formations and soak in the scenic beauty, possibly engaging in beach activities and games in case of a good weather. In the evening, we'll return to Leknes or a nearby village for a dinner and our overnight stay. Here I will allow an additional day to explore the surroundigs and allow for the trip not to be rushed and allow for some unplanned activities, maybe some more hike or beach visits.


Tag 5-8
On Day 5, we begin with an early drive to Reine with a stop at Rambergstranda beach. Reine is renowned as one of Lofoten's most picturesque villages. Here, we embark on the Reinebringen trail, offering breathtaking views of the fjords and surrounding mountains. After our invigorating hike, we'll enjoy a picnic lunch amidst the stunning natural scenery before delving into the charm of Reine village.. As evening sets, we'll settle into our accommodations in Reine for a relaxing overnight stay, capped off with a group dinner. Moving on to Day 6, our morning begins with a visit to Å, In the afternoon, we'll hike to Ågvatnet, a tranquil lake offering serene views and a perfect spot to unwind amidst nature's beauty. Here, we'll gather for a group dinner and engage in a reflection session, sharing our experiences and impressions of the day's adventures in this idyllic setting. On Day 7, I'll leave room once more for unplanned activities based on the group's preferences. Typically, we take it easy on the last day with hike or a beach visit to relax and prepare for our upcoming transfer the following day. It's a time to simply enjoy our surroundings and reflect on the memorable experiences of the trip as we wind down towards its conclusion.
8 Tage Trip
Svolvær, Henningsvær & 2 weitere
Was ist nicht inbegriffen?
Flights to Lofoten (Narvik/Svolver)
Meals and food
Personal expenses
Entrance fees
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