Sun, Sand, Wind and Water - Kite & Yoga in the Philippines!

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Guided trip
SUN, SAND, WIND & WATER = perfect recipe for a long-lasting smile. Escape the city walls, change your routine & dive into remote paradise nature. Days spent on the water, where the time flows differently; pure fun experience, that will transform your lifestyle. Morning YOGA, Mobility & Breathworks sessions, set the pace for the day, reconnect with yourself. KITESURFING; 2-8 hrs on the water daily (begginer / progression / advanced coaching, independent riding) Stunning sunsets Evening chill Remote island experience, Glamping Pod stay. Delicious food & unfrogettable memories. Your TripLeader: Marta on a daily basis is helping others to move through life & space. So if you are into unique experiences, kiteboarding or yoga, this is your trip, feel free to drop a message with any question, you might have. GETTING THERE: •int. flight to Manila, •local flight Manila to Mindoro •Mindoro; Transfer to your final destination; private Van from Mindoro airport, 2500php -boat from other island to Mindoro (Bulalacau) -Tricycle- Mindoro harbor 300php What's INCLUDED; •10 nights stay in a GLAMPING POD ; Single occupation + meals •10hrs kite lessons •1 morning yoga session daily ADDITIONAL activities (not included in the price) •Downwinder, kitesafaris •Buyayao jungle trekking & caving •mountainbike rental •scooter rental •personal training •evening yoga session •kite gear rental out of the lessons
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Meet Your TripLeader
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51 Countries
24 Trips Completed

Active lifestyle enthusiast, nomadic soul, Kiteboarding Instructor, Yoga & Unnata Aerial Yoga Teacher, Personal Trainer

You can chat with Marta once you reserve your spot.
Trip Itinerary

Ninoy Aquino International Airport

Day 1
Considering long flights and transit time (some cases) to Mindoro shuttle, highly recommended taking a stopover in Manila. Choice is yours, not included in the price. *in some cases, transit can stretch from 2 to 12hrs


Day 1-11
Island life! Yoga, mobility & breathworks; set your pace for the day. Kite ; from beginners lessons, through advance coaching & independent riding. Chill; slow down, relax, synch with the nature. Gather; with like-minded people around you. Eat; delicious meals Sleep; GLAMPING POD single occupation stay (+ shared shower access). & repeat ;)


Day 11
YOGA Start your day with a morning yoga, breathworks & meditation session. • Reconnect with yourself, before going out to the world. • Learn how to manage your mood, by simply directing your breath. • Improve your concentration & awareness, build functional neuromuscular connections; prompting yourself through learning new skills process. • Conscious movement will help you to take care of your body, increase your mobility & build a stable base for daily life activities.


Day 11
KITEBOARDING Days on the water; can't go wrong! Embark on a journey, which will change your perception of fun & freedom. Step by step, learn how to become an independent rider, under an eye of experienced IKO instructor. Starting with wind theory & safe equipment handling & setting, through piloting exercises, to discovering the use of the kite on the water. Bringing the board into action, cruise into sunset. Once all your riding skills are polished, you can always learn a new trick, or explore the islands joining kite safaris & down winder sessions. The variety & adrenaline this sport has to offer, will keep you occupied for the lifetime; craving for more you'll be waking up every morning, checking when is the next windy day ;)

San Jose

Day 11
Great experiences have the tendency of passing really fast. Yet the memories are staying forever ;) You have the couple of options now; Continue exploring the islands, through the boat, plane or with your newly learned skill; with your kite, just follow the wind. Or if there is a place calling you back, go for it; ready to plan your next kiting trip, wherever the wind will take you. Whichever case it is, hoping to see you somewhere on the water ;)
Trip Summary
Camping & Hostel & Other & Bed & Breakfast
11 days trip
Ninoy Aquino International Airport, Mindoro & 3 more
Plane, Trekking
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