Work remotely from anywhere in the world with like-minded professionals at JoinMyTrip.
We are the world's biggest community of over 150,000+ trustworthy travelers
125.000+ reiselustigen Weltenbummlern
Why you should go on a CoWorking trip with JoinMyTrip!
Part of our Community
Be part of the fastest growing CoWorking community. Never work alone again.
Cultural Experience
Immerse yourself into a new culture - you will also get a true insight into how the locals live.
Freedom to Explore
Enjoy exploring the world non-stop! On a CoWorking trip you can easily work while traveling.
Creativity & Productivity
Surround yourself with professionals who gives you a new and fresh perspective on your work
CoWorking Trips
When you can work from anywhere, why not from a sunny beach? Join other remote workers around the world, work during the day and explore during evenings & weekends!
Surround yourself with like-minded professionals that can continuously inspire you and learn from one another.
Suitable Working Equipment
Make sure you have all necessary working tools with you in order to be productive.
Room for Meetings & Calls
Your TripLeader will provide you enough room and space for to take meetings or calls, this means each person has their own privacy and maximum concentration.
Feel Comfortable
As this is your new office and home, it's important that you feel comfortable for the whole duration of your working day.
Living space
Your new office, and also your new home! Keep in mind what you need for day-to-day living. For example, laundry or kitchen necessities.
Our TripLeader are attentive in choosing a location with a strong internet-connection. This way you avoid having inconveniences throughout your working day.
"I work and travel quite regularly, but I have never done that with a group. When I joined my CoWorking trip with JoinMyTrip, I was completely surprised by how it changed my perspective. I was full of new ideas! I was able to surround myself with all kinds of professionals that continuously inspired and motivated me. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to get out of their normal environment and experience something truly unique."