Carl Grubert
Hi, ich bin Carl und seit vielen Jahren passionierter Segler.
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Meine große Leidenschaft ist Segeln in warmen Destinationen. Ich liebe es zu reisen und organisieren bereits seit vielen Jahren Segeltörns im Mittelmeer, Thailand und in der Karibik. Ich starte jeden Samstag in allen benannten Revieren. Wenn du dabei sein willst, schreib mich einfach an! Oft segel ich auf den Törns selber, setze aber auch meine Skipper ein. An Land gehe ich gerne wandern, bin mit meinem Rennrad unterwegs, im Winter geht es in die Berge zum Skifahren / Boarden und gelegentlich tauche ich.
13 Reviews
Carl is most often complimented for…
Open minded
‘Segelurlaub an der Ostsee’, Jun 20243/5
Basically a nice vacation, wind, sea sun all good. Unfortunately there was no sun protection on deck and some of the ship's displays were not reliable/defective (fresh water display and waste tank display defective). It was definitely an adventure. I would not make the trip again knowing this.
‘Segelurlaub zwischen Korsika und Sardinien ☀️’, May 20235/5
The trip was awesome. Huge thanks to our skipper Matthias 🙏. We were able to choose where to go an how much time to spend in each place. Also the company of people who joined the trip was wonderful.
‘Kroatien Segelurlaub durch die Inselwelt ⛵ Für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene’, May 20235/5
Super experience! Thanks for the organization and especially to our experienced, relaxed and always motivated skipper Moritz! Apart from that, great location, people and boat :-) A small suggestion for improvement would be to add the participants to the Whatsapp group as soon as they have registered. That way you can coordinate your accommodation and trip, as some of us have now traveled the same route separately because we had already booked.
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