Tim Ludwig
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Wenn ich mal nicht auf einer Reise bin plane ich die nächste schon in meinem Kopf, leider sind dafür nicht immer genug Urlaubstage vorhanden :D Ein paar Dinge die auf einer guten Reise nicht fehlen dürfen: - gute Laune - nette Tripmates - Kamera - gute Musik Ich freu mich darauf neue Leute kennen zu lernen und die Welt zu erkunden! :) Zu meinen Hobbys zählen Fotografieren, American Football, Reisen, Angeln und ich geh auch gern mal Bungee springen ;)
6 Reviews
Tim is most often complimented for…
Open minded
‘Iceland is calling - are you in? 3 weeks’, Oct 20215/5
Tim is a great trip leader who goes to great lengths to make sure everyone has a great time, and won't rest until he has done everything possible to resolve any problems that might come up. Thanks for an amazing trip, Tim!
‘Iceland is calling - are you in? 3 weeks’, Oct 20215/5
Traveling with Tim is a lot of fun, you can enjoy your trip completely since Tim organized it very well, he took care of everybody and he solved upcoming problems easily. Thanks for taking me on such an unforgettable Roadtrip!
‘Iceland is calling - are you in? 2 weeks’, Oct 20215/5
It was a amazing trip! Tim has always stood up for us and has made everything possible so that everyone could achieve their dream goals in Iceland. Perfect tripleader and travel partner! :)
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