Justyna Mleczak
Let's talk to people, not about them.
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My name is Justine (Justyna) and I'm from Poland. I am a solopreneur who is involved in various activities of non-governmental organizations and private businesses. Since 2016, she has been running a website and social media about Macedonia, historical, political, and social aspects as well as sustainable tourism and anti-racism. My fascination has started with the Master degree thesis "Potential of tourism in solving conflicts" and has been growing, developing and reshaping ever since. I identify myself as a feminist, lesbian and anti-racist. My the highest value is courage. My role model in the area of leadership is Brene Brown and it is what she says about courage that best reflects what I try to follow every day. “Integrity is choosing courage over comfort” and “When we have the courage to walk into our story and own it, we get to write the ending”. As a historic freak, I don't believe in objectivity but many stories. I also believe that many times unlearning and relearning patterns is more valuable than learning new things.
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