Quiz time!
Ever wondered what kind of traveler you really are? Take this quiz to find out what kind of trip suits the traveler in you best! Go grab a piece of paper and your favorite pen or, if you are feeling a little more digital, then pull up your notepad on your desktop or on your phone. After every question note down the letter that describes you best and this will determine what kind of traveler you are! Let’s get quizzing…
1. What does traveling mean to you?
- A) To clear my mind and get a change of environment and scenery.
- B) To have a hassle-free experience and explore the many hidden gems of the world.
- C) Something you wish everyone could experience through your eyes.
- D) Personal growth.
2. Do you research what to see and do before visiting a new destination?
- A) No way, I go with the flow.
- B) No, I don’t like to plan it stresses me out.
- C) Of course! I am a planner at heart. This way I can guarantee that I make the most out of my holidays.
- D) Yes, I make sure the destination has as many activities as possible for me to do.
3. How do you decide your next travel destination?
- A) Somewhere that is possible to work and travel at the same time.
- B) Anywhere that is full of exciting things to do, see and connect with other travelers!
- C) A destination where I am able to show other travelers the beauty of the place.
- D) A place full of many adventures where I can come back home having learned something new.
4. How long do you usually go traveling for?
- A) 2 weeks or more
- B) 1 to 2 weeks
- C) Depends on the trip
- D) A week or less
5. Your go-to accommodation is…
- A) Renting an Airbnb with other travelers.
- B) A tent under the shining stars.
- C) Staying with locals.
- D) Hostels & hotels.
6. The one thing you always take with you is…
- A) My laptop.
- B) My Camera.
- C) My planned travel itinerary.
- D) My language dictionary.
7. Your top thing to do while traveling?
- A) Exploring and networking.
- B) Sit back and relax.
- C) As long as I can create new memories with the people around me, that’s all that matters.
- D) To learn something new.
8. Your worse nightmare on a trip?
- A) Not having an internet connection!
- B) Running out of things to do.
- C) Getting lost
- D) Activities getting canceled
9. Your favorite part about traveling is…
- A) The boost in creativity that traveling gives me.
- B) The adventure that fuels my travel bug.
- C) The people I meet along the way.
- D) Always coming back home from a new learning experience.
10. The first thing you do when you’re back home?
- A) Straight back to work.
- B) Struggling to choose which picture to post on social media with all the other travelers I met!
- C) Immediately plan my next trip.
- D) Think of what’s the next thing I can try?
If majority of your answers are A…
You are a Coworker!

Working remotely became your new normal and you can’t resist the urge to go out and explore the world at the same time. Maybe, you’re a digital nomad, or working remotely is still quite new to you, but you like to surround yourself with professionals that give you a new fresh perspective. You want to be a part of a growing community and never feel alone again while being surrounded by people who are in the same situation.
If majority of your answers are B…
You are a TripMate!
You are the kind of traveler who loves to travel and simply wants to enjoy it without the hassle of having to plan. All you want to do is to sit back and relax as someone else takes care of your accommodation, transportation, and activities for you. You like to travel and meet new people because you believe that every person has something unique to offer and is what you look forward to on every trip!
If majority of your answers are C…
You are a TripLeader!

You are someone who is able to put your dreams into action and share them with another kind of traveler. You’re passionate about traveling and experiencing new cultures, it’s something you wish everyone could experience through your eyes. Being organized is something that you enjoy and comes naturally to you, making you a planner at heart.
If majority of your answers are D…
You are a CoLearner!
It is never too late to learn something new, and you really embrace that when you are traveling and exploring the world. You love to come home with new skills as it enriches and enhances your personal growth. You want to expand your horizon by leaving your comfort zone and trying new things you wouldn’t have the courage to back home. Because, what better way to see the world than by learning a new skill at the same time?
So, already discovered what kind of traveler are you? Then, you can start traveling and have an adventure of your lifetime, based on the your authentic traveler type. JoinMyTrip offers you incredibly unique way to travel, in which you can travel and connect with other passionate travelers. Moreover, you will have an amazing adventure with handpicked and authentic itineraries. Sounds good, right?
Travel with JoinMyTrip and have an unforgettable adventure now!