Hidden Gems in Florence: 12 Places to Visit

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A wealth of majestic Renaissance structures and world-class museums make Florence a magnet for travelers. People flock to the opulent Duomo Cathedral and well-manicured Boboli Garden to get the best out of the city. Thus, sometimes Florence can be too crowded, and getting photo-bomb-free pictures might be hard. If a crowd-free holiday in this gorgeous Italian city is your dream, try walking off the beaten path. Check out these 12 hidden gems in Florence and take a break from the crowd. 

Best Hidden Gems in Florence – Summary

  1. Giordano dell’Orticoltura
  2. San Miniato al Monte
  3. Palazzo Davanzati
  4. Ponte Santa Trinita
  5. Stibbert Museum
  6. Museo de La Specola
  7. Santa Maria Novella Pharmacy
  8. Hospital of the Innocent 
  9. Cecchi Carlo Di Ricchi Giuliano
  10. Michelangelo’s Hidden Carvings
  11. Cinema Odeon
  12. Laurentian Library

Giardino dell’Orticoltura

Take a breath of fresh air and flee from the crowds by visiting Giardino dell’Orticoltura. The garden sits just outside the historical city center. Matching the city’s elegant Renaissance facade, Giardino dell’Orticoltura features gorgeous structures dating back to the 19th century. You can find an opulent greenhouse keeping flowers and decorative plants. Moreover, the garden has an upper part which allows visitors to get a view of the city. It is a well-loved place for the locals to catch up or relax. However, it stays under the tourists’ radar, making it one of the hidden gems in Florence to visit. 

Address: Via Vittorio Emmanuelle II 4, 50139, Florence Italy

San Miniato al Monte

hidden gems in Florence San Miniato Al Monte
Photo by Benjamín Núñez González from Wikimedia Commons

Florence seemingly never runs out of magnificent churches. Then, one of the less-known structures is San Miniato al Monte. Perched above Piazzale Michelangelo, the 11th-century church depicts a distinctive Tuscan Romanesque architecture. It is tinted in white marble and adorned with emerald-colored decorations. On the top of the building, you can find a golden mosaic illustrating Christ which was created in the 13th century. Thus, the mosaic charms everyone who visits, especially during daylight when the sun makes it glimmer. Moreover, you can enter the church and see its opulent frescoes. 

Address: Via delle Porte Sante, 34, 50125, Florence, Italy

Palazzo Davanzati 

best hidden gems in Florence

See what a day in a wealthy Florentian family looks like in Palazzo Davanzati. The property has a classic Renaissance design with large windows dating back to the Middle Ages. Once belonging to a nobleman, everything inside Palazzo Davanzati is lavishly decorated.

Mosaic-shaped frescoes decorate the wall, timeless wooden furniture can be found around the house, and high-quality fabric drape the beds and windows. Furthermore, you can find the grandeur master bedroom, kitchen with centuries-old utensils, weaving tools, and other interesting materials that takes you traveling back in time. Interestingly, the property stays out of the tourist radar, making it one of the most interesting Florence hidden gems. 

Ponte Santa Trinita 

Ponte Santa Trinita bridge

If the famous Ponte Vecchio is too crowded for you, head to its more quaint sister. Ponte Santa Trinita or Holy Trinity Bridge spans the Arno River, neighboring Ponte Vecchio to the east. It was the world’s oldest elliptic arch bridge designed by Florentine architect Bartolomeo Ammananti. The bridge’s elegant structure and serene atmosphere beckons visitors to take an afternoon walk across it.

Moreover, you can find human-shaped statues symbolizing the four seasons. The statues of Autumn and Winter stand on the Oltarno, while Summer and Spring stand on the Via Tornabuoni side. It is one of the unmissable Florence hidden gems to put into your itinerary. 

Stibbert Museum 

hidden gems in florence Stibbert Museum
Photo from Firenze Card

Among the array of museums in Florence, Stibbert Museums stands out as a unique one. It houses a grand collection of armors from around the world, especially Europe. The artifacts are showcased in an exquisite Renaissance villa belonging to collector Frederick Stibbert. Thus, it has 57 chambers that exhibit a wealth of armor collections.

Besides armors, you can find other artifacts like porcelains, crucifixes, and even a clothing worn by Napoleon of France. After wandering around the museum, you can relax at the outdoor 18th-century garden. Beautiful fountains, lakes, and an Egyptian-styled temple enhances the garden’s elegance. 

Address: Via Federigo Stibbert, 26 – 50134 Florence

Museo de La Specola

hidden gems in Florence museum la specola
Photo by Visit Tuscany

Witness another level of natural history in Florence’s Museo de La Specola. The museum was built by Grand Duke Peter Leopold in 1771 and represented his fondness towards science. Thus, it has been recognized as the oldest scientific museum in Europe. La Specola showcases various natural artifacts including fossils, animal specimens, and exotic plants. Some of the collection belonged to the prestigious Medici family, including their pet hippopotamus. Simply put, the museum beckons the curious visitors to come and discover its bizarre collection. It is one of the most interesting hidden gems in Florence to visit. 

Address: Via Romana, 17, 50125 Florence

Santa Maria Novella Pharmacy

Florence Santa Maria Novella
Photo from Santa Maria Novella Official Website

Florence is the hometown of ‘firsts’, including the world’s first pharmacy. Officina Profuma-Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella or Santa Maria Novella has stood since 1221. Besides its impressive history, the pharmacy is worth the visit due to its elegant architecture. It adapted the classic Renaissance architecture with opulent carvings and delicate frescoes adorning its interior. Moreover, you can see centuries-old pharmaceutical tools that was used to produce medicine and ointments. They have witnessed Florentian’s struggle against the plague. 

Today, Santa Maria Novella Pharmacy also serves as a perfumery. Discover gorgeous Italy-themed fragrances inside their workshop, which is open for public. You can find nostalgic scents like limoncello or Tuscan summer blossoms. Therefore, it is one of the most immersive hidden gems in Florence that you would not want to miss. 

Michelangelo’s Hidden Carvings

Michelangelo hidden carvings
Photo by Verdiana1974 from Wikimedia Commons

Put your eagle eye on when strolling through the famous Palazzo Vecchio. Then, you might find a hidden artwork by Michelangelo. The artist carved a man’s face on the walls of Palazzo Vecchio due to a bet. Legend says that he accepted a challenge to carve a criminal’s face into a stone without looking at it. Now, you can find the portrait chiseled into a stone in the corner of Palazzo Vecchio. Of course, visitors have a lot of fun spotting this hidden gem in Florence! 

Cecchi Carlo Di Ricchi Giuliano

Traveling to Florence would not be complete without bringing home crafted jewelry. Then, head to Cecchi Carlo Di Ricchi Giuliano to get a customized one. Tucked in the alleys of Church of Santo Spirito, only a few know the workshop has gained international recognition. Giuliano Ricchi, a Tuscan silver craftsman, built his business in 1962. He created artisanal metalwork, even designed pieces for world-renowned clients such as Christian Dior. Although Giuliano is a legend, he offers an affordable and exciting experience for visitors. You can get a customized bracelet at a very reasonable price. Moreover, you can see the handiwork of Giuliano and his wife in crafting beautiful silver jewelries. 

Cinema Odeon 

best hidden gems in Florence Cinema Odeon
Photo by sailkon from Wikimedia Commons

Tucked in the heart of Florence, Cinema Odeon is an intriguing place often overlooked by visitors. Travel back to the 1920s as you sit in the cinema’s theatre. You might feel like you are watching a lavish opera performance instead of a movie. The theatre features dome-shaped ceilings adorned with intricate frescoes. Spot splashes of Art-Noveau design in the cinema’s setting, like the stylish gold velvet chairs and chandeliers. Thus, Cinema Odeon still operates until today. It features both classic Italian and international modern movies. 

Laurentian Library 

This exquisite Renaissance-styled building is a haven for all bibliophiles. It features a wealth of literary collection comprising 11,000 manuscripts and 4,500 book collections. Moreover, Laurentian Library is an architectural masterpiece of Michelangelo, making it a Florence hidden gem worth visiting.

The construction started in 1519 but was finished in 1571. Inside the library, you can find reading rooms that represent Michelangelo’s art style. However, Laurentian Library has no longer served as a library. This Florence hidden gem can be visited as a museum to witness Italian architectural wonder and literature history. 

Hospital of the Innocents

Hospital of the Innocents
Photo from Museums in Florence

Discover the story of Europe’s first orphanage by visiting the Hospital of the Innocents. The artsy Renaissance-influenced facade will stun you as you enter the complex. It features elegant cloisters and mosaic-adorned walls as the exterior. However, the journey starts when you enter building.

Its series of rooms, filled with antique furniture and religious paintings, witnessed how orphaned children were taken care of. Thus, the hospital/orphanage has become home for 375,000 children in its 500 years of operations. The history and architecture of the orphanage make it one of the hidden gems in Florence worth visiting.

Are you thinking about going to Florence or other cities in Italy this year? Then, are you also looking forward to discover their hidden gems? You know – one of the best ways to find hidden gems is by traveling with a local. Find a local travel buddy who can show you the way at JoinMyTrip!

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