Group travel with strangers or travel alone – we understand the dilemma! Going on a solo trip surely liberates and gives you confidence. You have your hands on the steering wheels and don’t have to wait on anyone. However, many solo travelers also think that having like-minded companions on a trip is awesome. For that reason, solo travelers make friends during their trip by staying in hostels, going to cooking classes, or using a platform.
On the other hand, traveling with strangers might sound intimidating. Thoughts and worries can spiral in your mind before the trip. Luckily, our TripLeaders have the best experiences in their group trips. Some of them started as solo travelers and decided to say yes to group travel with strangers. Let’s hear their stories and tips!
Solo Travel vs Group Travel

TripLeader Josh Lian said yes to traveling with strangers when he discovered the freedom and time flexibility it gives. “It’s difficult to travel with friends from home as it’s difficult to find a time when everyone’s free,” Josh stated. Before going on group trips, Josh enjoyed solo traveling. He also enjoyed making new friends and finding out about their lives and stories.
As a social solo traveler, Josh decided to find travel buddies he could travel with. He found a trip he loved at JoinMyTrip and decided to join as a TripMate. Then, Josh explored the opportunity to host trips and find friends as a TripLeader. “Now, I can plan trips for when I can travel and find other people who are able got travel at that same time too,” Josh said.

TripLeader Maria loved planning meticulously for her solo adventures. Then, her friend told her about a trip-planning opportunity at JoinMyTrip. Since June 2023, she has hosted awesome trips and found like-minded people along the way. “I love the idea of not having to travel on my own anymore,” she stated. Maria’s trips also welcome fellow solo travelers with whom she can share cool journeys and lasting connections.
These TripLeaders’ story gives us an insight that both solo traveling and group travel are awesome. You can also find travel buddies from strangers you have never met before, giving you flexibility. So, which one do you prefer?
Things to Know Before Traveling with Strangers
Your first group travel with strangers will be daunting and exciting. You carefully consider the safety, budget, activities, and personality of each person on board. On the other hand, you feel excited to meet new people and share amazing adventures. Our TripLeaders share some essential tips to stay safe and fun when traveling with strangers.
Find A Trustworthy Platform

Social platforms and online communities have broken the borders and allowed people to meet each other. Finding a travel buddy has become easier over time. You can join an online travel forum, join communities, or create a profile on a social network. However, we also need to be careful in choosing who we are going to travel with. You need to make sure that their identity and background are verified. This is where trustworthy platforms and communities come.
Travel communities like JoinMyTrip connect you with only verified travelers. Everyone signing up will go through a meticulous screening process. These communities and platforms also ensure your safety during the trip, providing 24/7 customer support and remote supervision.
“The site is a safe place for me and the people that travel with me. Some people ask me often about safety, but I know that you can trust people open to travel,” says TripLeader Francesco. He designs cool group trips that welcome solo travelers, ensuring them safety and fun. Francesco mentions his memorable experience when he hosted a trip for a first-time solo female traveler. “My first trip was in Rhodes. There were 5 of us from 5 different Countries. It was a special experience, with a well-mixed group, someone also on her first travel alone. The locals were really happy to know our stories and how 5 different people were traveling together!”
Communication is Key

“Comfortable communication between TripLeaders and TripMates makes me feel safe,” stated Josh. Maintaining responsible communication with your travel buddies allows you to get to know them better. You can introduce yourself, set mutual expectations, and discuss essential things by initiating communication. TripLeader Maria and Francesco always invite their future travel buddies on a video call to get to know each other. Video calls allow you to see your buddies’ faces and communicate clearly.
Furthermore, communication builds trust between you and your travel buddy. TripLeader Lama shares that she includes her TripMates’ opinions in her trips. “I plan my trips well, and I take into consideration people’s preferences. I asked a lot of questions to make everyone feel comfortable and included,” she says. Lama has secured a five-star review from her past travel buddies due to her considerate profile. So, it is important to build trust and discuss an itinerary that accommodates you and your travel buddies to ensure an enjoyable journey.
Be Open to New Stories and Insights
Traveling with strangers uncovers a different horizon. You get to meet new people from various backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives. Regardless of the differences, you are united by the same passion for adventure. “Everyone usually has a great story to tell! It’s also great meeting people from different walks of life who I might not meet in my own country,” TripLeader Josh shares.
It Is Okay to Make Mistakes
“My first trip was memorable since I was afraid of making mistakes or something wrong,” shared TripLeader Mohammed. He took the bold step to create group travel for strangers in his home country Egypt. Now, Mohammed balanced his passion for travel and academic life in medical school.
One thing that Mohammed has to share is that your stirring feelings and fear of making mistakes are normal. As we embark on a trip with people we have not known before, we want everything to be perfect. We want the magic trick to instantly get along and enjoy the perfect itinerary. However, annoying little things might happen (e.g. bad weather or landmarks closing due to national holidays). Please note that your trip might not be perfect, and so do you and your travel buddies. Nonetheless, you can savor every moment of it and meet with amazing people.

Things to Know After Traveling with Strangers

You finally took the trip with strangers you met on a platform or a one-day trip. So, what’s next? Our TripLeaders share some stories about how good it will be after you fly back home.
The Experiences are Unforgettable
Although you begin the journey with stirring feelings, you’ll end it with the best memories. Our TripLeaders shared that great companions add more fun to their trip. “All trips were above my expectations. We went through totally different experiences, and we made the best of our time, even when something doesn’t go according to the plan,” said Lama. Francesco also mentioned how excitement is contagious in his group, allowing them to enjoy the best of Azores.
The Friendships Last
“Most of the TripMates have become good friends by now and we even visited each other on private occasions,” shared Maria. Once you embark on a group travel with strangers, you will spend most of your time with them. Exploring the hottest spots in town, discovering gorgeous hidden gems, indulging some local cuisines, and sharing an apartment. You get to know your travel buddies better and even find something in common. Friendships are built during the trip – turning strangers into good friends.
You’ll Crave for More
There is no going back after you said yes to traveling with strangers. You are going to find out how natural it is to make friends with people who also love traveling. You will feel more secure as they are safety in numbers. Additionally, it is great to have travel buddies that got your back while also get the flexibility to explore places alone. This is why our travelers at JoinMyTrip never stop connecting with like-minded friends and go on crazy adventures.
Going on group travel with strangers sounds daunting at the beginning but you can crave for more after hopping into one. Most importantly, choose platforms that are trustworthy and do a thorough background check on people you are traveling with. So, are you ready to travel with friends you have not met before
Meet verified travelers at JoinMyTrip. Our community welcomes passionate wanderers from all around the globe to go on curated group trips together. Enjoy the amazing balance between crazy group adventures and meaningful solo moments!