6 Meaningful Lessons Learned From Traveling

Can traveling be one of life’s greatest teachers?

Traveling is one of the most beautiful experiences you can have. Not only are you able to experience something new, but you also allow yourself to open up to different cultures and learn about the country in a matter of days or weeks. Traveling has taught me and many others some meaningful life lessons along the way. You might not realize it, but with every trip you come back from, you most likely have always learnt something new. So, could traveling be one of life’s greatest teachers? 

Lesson #6 – Leaving your comfort zone

When you are traveling, you are more likely to be open to trying new things, “I’m on holiday, let’s just do it!”. You challenge yourself to try things that are new and could be very intimidating at first. Already traveling to a foreign country is leaving your comfort zone. Different language, culture, and way of doing things. However, we are living in such a fast-paced world that if you never learn to leave your comfort zone, how will you flourish? Definitely not from staying in the same place and never leaving. I remember talking with my Spanish roommate about this, that traveling is a blessing and a curse. Once you get a taste of the world, you simply want to explore more and it’s unavoidable. Make sure to check out JoinMyTrip to explore the world with other like-minded travelers!

A man in a red shirt and black cap sitting on a brown mountain.
Lesson #6 – Leaving your comfort zone

Lesson #5 – Patience

I am a very impatient person, I absolutely despise waiting in lines or waiting for anything for that matter. After having been traveling for a while now, you learn to wait in airports for hours at a time. Flights get canceled, delayed, or some technical difficulties emerge. Traveling requires so much patience because things can go wrong at any minute. You learn to take a couple of deep breaths and take it as it is. I must admit though, nothing requires as much patience as traveling does. It’s frustrating, you have places to be and yet everything seems to not work in your favor. You learn to deal with things a whole lot better when you are back home. 

Meaningful lessons learned from traveling in an airport.
Lesson #5 – Patience

Lesson #4 – Make friends with strangers

Especially if you are traveling alone, you are put in a situation where you have to completely trust yourself, because it’s just you, yourself and you. There’s no one you can talk to or discuss certain things with. As a special guest once said in one of our travel podcast episodes, as a traveler you are always relying on the kindness of strangers. You open yourself up to human interaction that you wouldn’t be doing in your home country. You learn how to effectively communicate with people from different backgrounds and cultures, turning strangers into people who you will later call friends. Go traveling with like-minded travelers on JoinMyTrip and come home with new friends and unforgettable memories!

Three girls sitting in a garden laughing together.
Lesson #4 – Make friends with strangers

Lesson #3 – Be humble

When you start traveling more and more, you see different parts of the world and how different some parts may be from your own. A lot of us take a lot of things for granted especially when you have grown up in an environment where you have always had everything you need. You forget how the other half of the world may be living and when you travel to these beautiful places you may encounter it. It’s an eye opening experience and a travel lesson that definitely makes you more humble. You realize how small you actually are in this enormous world we live in. 

Meaningful lessons learned from traveling with a mom carrying her child on her back while walking through a forest.
Lesson #3 – Be humble

Lesson #2 – Learn what you are capable of

When you are put in an unfamiliar environment, you slowly start to learn what you are capable of. Having to adapt and navigate yourself through a foreign country can be extremely challenging at times. Especially in a country that is polar opposite to yours. Sometimes you have to get the courage to speak up and ask around for help, or encounter difficult situations that really test your limits. Traveling is not always fun and games, and you truly get to know what you can do. Who knows, you might even surprise yourself! Learn what you are capable of by leading and planning your own trip where other travelers can join on JoinMyTrip today.

A man standing on top of rocks with both his hands up in the air.
Lesson #2 – Learn what you are capable of

Lesson #1 – Take things as they come

Before I really started properly traveling I always had to have a plan. I wanted to make the most out of all the days I have, see as many museums as possible, try that cafe everyone on the internet was raving about. Then I quickly came to realize… travel lesson number one is that plans never work out. The more I started traveling the more I accepted things in whatever shape and form they came. I don’t plan my travels anymore, I have an accommodation and flight book. That’s it. The rest I will decide when I am there. Why? Because by going with the flow and not having to beat yourself up about not being able to go to that beach you wanted is a hundred times better. You also don’t have to limit yourself and learn to make the most out of whatever you are presented with. 

Meaningful lessons learned from traveling is to take things as they come with a girl sitting on her surfboard in the water.
Lesson #1 – Take things as they come

I hope I have inspired you to go traveling and come home with meaningful lessons that you can forever cherish. Would you like to possibly share the experience together with other travelers? Then head over to JoinMyTrip to start finding like-minded travel mates. You can either lead your own trip or Join a trip to start sharing costs!

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