Halloween Experience in York, United Kingdom

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York is said to be the most haunted place in England, so much so that it is known as the city with 1,000 ghosts. From haunted museums, pubs, and even a haunted hotel or two, our ghost-hunting Halloween adventures begin the minute we hit the town! Are you scared yet? I'm not. My name is Jai, and Halloween is my favorite holiday and I love ghosts and anything horror related. I have visited York before, but it was at a youth hostel back then when I was actually in my youth.🙂 While that hostel was not known worldwide for being hunted, the security guard had stories to tell about hearing noises and having hand dryers mysteriously turn on with no one in the bathroom. On our trip, we will stay at an actual haunted hotel. I have never heard of anyone levitating, but maybe we will get lucky to hear bumps in the night and come out with a story to tell. Every night will be a ghost-hunting adventure. But not only that because we will take a day trip to a haunted Brewery in Colliergate, which was once a morgue. The other haunts that we will visit throughout the week are within walking distance of our hunted hotel. As we do our haunted pub crawl throughout York, I wonder how many locals can share their ghost stories with us. I am sure that there have been many close encounters throughout the years! What is included in the price? -Accommodation (shared) -Breakfast -1 signature beer at the brewery Let me know in the Q&A section if you have a question! Looking forward on meeting you soon in my trip!
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I am Jai. Former IT. Trying now to travel and enjoy life while I still can.

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Golden Fleece

Tag 1-7
Golden Fleece is the most haunted hotel in York. Some people claim to have seen orbs in their photos, while others just hear bumps in the night. Some kids have even woke up screaming. What will happen to us? There is only one way to find out!

Black Sheep Brewery

Tag 7
This brewery was once a morgue. You cannot get much creepier than that! The brewery is said to be haunted by an angry ghost, who does not like visitors. Sometimes he is heard shouting and slamming doors.

The Treasurers House

Tag 7
The Treasurer's House has some of the most famous ghosts in York. In 1953 a plumber was working and he heard the sound of a horn. He ignored the sound until it got closer and louder. A cart and horses followed by Roman soldiers with no legs came from the wall. Later it was learned that an old Roman road is underneath the cellar. This is why it looked like the soldiers had no legs. This is possibly the most haunted location in York, and should not be missed.
7 Tage Trip
Golden Fleece, Black Sheep Brewery & 1 weitere
Train, Trekking
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